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UDC 628.1/.3:62-523

Andriianets Petr, Andriianets Anton, Pokhil Yu. N.

The background of establishing an automated process control system


In the process of establishing and operating automated process control systems at Gorvodokanal of Novosibirsk MUE facilities the basic principles of the integrated and system approaches have been used. The integrated approach envisages a comprehensive analysis of the facilities subject to automation; whereas the automation system is constructed for achieving the set goal under any possible operation conditions. The main stages of the system approach for providing for the efficient operation of the automated process control system are described. The system approach envisages synthesizing the object and the automation system as part of the water supply or wastewater disposal system for achieving the set goal. In this regard the impact of the system and its components on the object and purpose of automation as well as the interaction between the automated object and water supply or wastewater disposal system is specified. On the basis on the system and integrated approaches the structure of the centralized corporate process control system is suggested. The main advantages of the corporate structure of the automated process control system in relation to the centralized operating automated process control system that was previously used for the remote process control are briefly outlined. The corporate system based on the system and integrated approaches is a flexible open structure that can be restructured, adapted and supplemented with new modules or third-party software that is seamlessly built-into the system. In the long term the structure of the corporate automated process control system will be the technical and software basis for establishing management information systems.

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