
Number 1 / 2012

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UDC 628.147.2:65.012.2

Khramenkov S. V., Orlov V. А., Primin Oleg

Computerized support of the Moscow water pipeline renovation scheduling strategy


Comprehensive evaluation of the expediency criteria of pipeline relaying or renovating involves a lot of calculations, large bulk of operating and diagnostic data processing. It becomes possible only if computer-aided programs are available that provide for a basis for a valid assessment of the pipeline renovation project and scope of work. Scheduling Pipe Renovation program has been designed by MosvodokanalNIIproject OJSC in cooperation with Mosvodokanal MPUE and used for Moscow water pipeline maintenance.

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UDC 628.24:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Yermolin Yu. A.

Reliable operation of wastewater collection systems and ways of its improvement


Characteristics of the three constituents of a municipal wastewater collection system, i.e. structural, design and operational are presented. Their impact on the reliable operation of the entire wastewater collection system is discussed. The reasons of reliability degradation of each of the constituents are analyzed. Based on the analytical results the specific features are considered and a number of administrative and technical measures to improve the reliability of the wastewater collection system both at the design stage and in the process of operation are suggested.

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Our sincere congratulations to Ufavodokanal MUE on the RF Government Award for Quality!




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The first start-up complex of the Tunguska water intake in Khabarovsk has been put into operatio




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UDC 628.11:504.064

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., Gvozdev V. A., Kholodkevich S. V., Ivanov A. V., Kourakin A. S., Kornienko E. L.

Improving efficiency and reliability of bioelectronical systems of industrial biological water quality monitoring stations


Saint-Petersburg Vodokanal MPE developed in 2005 a system of ensuring chemical safety of the water supply system in case of detecting toxic substances. The system is designed on the basis of industrial biological water quality monitoring stations. In 2010 both software and hardware of the industrial biological water quality monitoring station were upgraded to improve the system detectability and reliability. The developed innovation project is unique from sci-tech point of view as well as because it ensures reliable day-and-night data on the current state of the intake facilities of the water treatment plants.

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UDC 628.16.081:628.191:576.8

DUDKIN E. V., Samsonova S. P.

Microfiltration removal of phyto- and zooplankton


The results of pilot testing DynaDisc microfiltration system manufactured by Nordik Water Produkts AB for capturing phyto- and zooplankton are presented. The tests were carried out at the treatment facilities of Volzhsky and Izhevsk water and wastewater companies by the experts from Ionoobmennye tekhnologee CJSC. The data on the efficiency of using microfiltration during water reservoir blossoming that results in reduced rapid filter loading and water quality improvement are presented.

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UDC 628.316.6

SMIRNOV A. D., Bivalkevich A. I., Strelkov A. K., Breslov B. E.

Efficiency and economic expediency of the industrial methods for wastewater disinfection


Technical and economic assessment of municipal and industrial wastewater disinfection methods is given. At present the method of UV-disinfection with the use of low pressure amalgam lamps is recognized from both technical and economic points of view as a most acceptable method widely used all around the world. UV disinfection ensures most efficient inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms including chlorine-tolerant (viruses) present in effluents. UV irradiation of wastewater is not accompanied with formation of by-products that could produce negative impact on living organisms and human health, i. e. this method is both environmentally and hygienically safe.

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UDC 628.356.001.57

Meshengisser Yu. M., Shchetinin A. I., Esin M. A., Regotun A. A.

The experience of retechnologizing the existing wastewater biological treatment facilities


Retechnologization is an efficient advanced method of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities that has been successfully used by Ecopolymer Group for 10 years. Upon the completion of retechnologization of a number of wastewater treatment facilities with nutrient removal good quality of effluent at minimum construction works was achieved. The most perspective technology of removing nutrients from wastewater is multistage nitri-denitrification with the use of А/О- and А2/О-process flow schemes. Any type of aeration tank: two-, three- and four line facilities, complete-mix activated sludge systems, plug flow systems can be subject to retechnologization. Specific reconstruction design is determined with the help of mathematic modeling. Retechnologization of the wastewater treatment facilities has been carried out in more than twenty water and wastewater companies (Vodokanals).

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UDC 628.33:551.577.21

IVKIN P. A., Menshutin Iurii, Sokolova E. V., Fomicheva E. V., Kedrov Yu. V.

The efficiency of storm water treatment facilities of continuous flow type


The analysis of technical parameters and process efficiency of some modifications of continuous flow storm water treatment facilities manufactured by international and Russian vendors that have been widely used nowadays for storm and melt water treatment is presented. Continuous flow installations operate as part of a gravity storm water collection system without any accumulating tank under highly irregular hydraulic load conditions. On the basis of process calculations made according to the effective in RF design rules and norms as well as on the basis of the practical data analysis a number of essential process and design faults are revealed that account for low sanitary and environmental efficiency and high operating vulnerability of such installations during surface runoff treatment.

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