

bbk 000000

UDC 628.166:628.1.033 (470.61-25)

FESENKO L. N., Ignatenko S. I., Skryabin A. Yu., Fedotov R. V.

Ensuring of Wastelessness and Ecological Compatibility of Technology of Sodium Hypochlorite at the Chlorefs Units


The ways of solving the problem of ensuring of wastelessness and ecological compatibility of the technology of large-tonnage production of sodium hypochlorite at electrolysis stations of high-capacity water treatment facilities are considered. It is shown that for conditioning of water used for preparation of salt solutions the method of acid decarbonization is more preferable as excluding the generation of some accompanying waste water. It is considerably cheaper than the cationite softening and makes it possible to use the salt of any quality. The saturators for preparation of saturated salt solution should be equipped with the washing systems similar to high-rate water supply filters with wash water discharge into the system of treatment and its reuse in the scheme of dissolution.

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  1. Kinebas A. K., Nefedova E. D., Bekrenev A. V. i dr. Obezzarazhivanie vody nizkokontsentrirovannym gipokhloritom natriia na vodoprovodnykh stantsiiakh Sankt-Peterburga // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2010. № 3.
  2. GOST R51574-2000. Sol' pishchevaia. Tekhnicheskie usloviia. – M.: IPK Izdatel'stvo standartov, 2000.

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