Tag:comprehensive technology



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UDC 628.33:622.692.5

Sakulin A. S.

Comprehensive process solutions for oily wastewater treatment


The demand for a comprehensive solution of the problems of construction and upgrade of the local wastewater treatment facilities necessitates the need in manufacturing equipment sets that provide for the complete oily wastewater treatment cycle. Based on the experience in this field a most efficient economically feasible technology of industrial wastewater treatment – dissolved-air chemical flotation with subsequent filtration in different filter types is proposed. «Ecoservice» Company has developed modular treatment facilities placed in container units or demountable buildings. These are ECO-LS units (for storm water treatment), ECO-AM (for car wash sites) etc. For the enterprises of «Russian Railways» ECO-NS unit was developed that had a compliance certificate and an expert report of Rospotrebnadzor. In this unit the comprehensive approach to the treatment technology – chemical dissolved air flotation, mechanical filtration and sorption was implemented. The versatility of this scheme is in the use of different flotation units depending on the wastewater pollution level. Besides, the use of different filter media provides for eliminating specific pollutants – ammonium, phenols, heavy metals. The complex unit is designed for wastewater treatment to the standard of effluent discharge into fishery water bodies. Despite the fact that the given complex unit has been developed for «Russian Railways» enterprises it can be used in other industries to remove oil products from wastewater.

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