UDC 628.161.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.03.02
Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Portnova T. M., Sazanova N. I., Davidovich Anastasiia, Vitkovskaia Raisa, Nesterova Tat’iana, Gusev Aleksei
Theory and practice of the deferrization and demanganation technology: experience of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation (part 2)
The paper dwells upon the analysis of methods for removing iron and manganese from groundwater at water treatment facilities with the justification of each stage of the process flow scheme based on the physical and chemical process patterns. Information is presented on the factors effecting the composition of groundwater, on the theoretical foundations of the physical and chemical processes of deferrization and demanganation, and on the technology innovations. An estimation of the efficiency of the operating water treatment facilities in the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation is given. The second part of the paper confined to the 150th anniversary of the Minskvodokanal Unitary Enterprise corroborates the cooperation of water utilities of the two neighboring states that have similar geochemical characteristics of the aquifers.
Key words
deferrization , bioreactor , demanganization , catalytic media , contact-sorption and pressure filtration facilities , cavitation unit