Tag:sewer manhole



bbk 000000

UDC 628.212.2/3

Vatin N. I., Grekov Mikhail, Leonov L. V., Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

The experience of year-round operation of FOPS® filter in the purification of surface runoff from technologically disturbed resident areas


At present residential areas in big cities in particular, have been exposed to technogenic pollution related to heavy traffic, development of managed territories including areas close to big shopping and leisure centers and other crowded places. In order to improve the quali­ty of life for the citizens and reduce the negative impact on the environment special attention shall be paid to the collection, removal and treatment of surface runoff from such territories. The purpose of testing FOPS®-MU filter during four seasons (spring – summer – autumn –winter – spring) was the assessment of the efficiency and practicability of operating this equipment for surface runoff treatment. In the process of observations it was stated that the main source of the pollution of surface runoff from resident areas (suspended solids, oil products, iron, manganese) was automobile transport. Peak concentrations of some pollutants reached 150–400 maximum permissible concentrations set for the effluent discharged into the municipal sewer. Year-round continuous operation (for 13 months) of FOPS®-MU filter showed high treatment efficiency in relation to different pollutants during the entire testing period without any loss of the operating capacity including after the negative temperature period. The high performance characteristics of FOPS®-MU filter were also promoted by using FOPS®-K filter-basket for collecting waste.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.212.2/.3

Vatin N. I., Grekov Mikhail, Leonov L. V., Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

Results of the test operation of FOPS® filter for treatment of stormwater runoff from residential areas in St. Petersburg


In the process of designing facilities for the treatment of surface runoff from residential areas certain difficulties arise with determining the composition and actual concentrations of pollutants required for the calculations. The task of the work was testing the operation on-site of a filter cartridge for the purification of polluted surface runoff flowing into the storm sewer from the residential area during the spring-summer period. The results of the study of the composition of surface runoff from the residential area and possible treatment with the use of a filter cartridge (FOPS®-MU) are presented. It is shown that highways contribute much to the pollution of the surface runoff from the residential areas. The main pollutants are suspended solids, oil products, iron and manganese. It is stated that the use of FOPS® - MU filter provides for the high efficiency of the surface runoff treatment during the entire period (April – September) without any losses of the nominal capacity.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.212.2/.316

Vatin N. I., PANKOVA G. A., Leonov L. V., Probirsky M. D., Rublevskaya O. N., Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

Test operation of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite
for infiltrate polluted surface runoff treatment


Infiltration effluent often causes heavy pollution of surface runoff with heavy metal ions. The purpose of the present work was testing the operation in-situ of a cartridge filter with natural zeolite for surface runoff treatment polluted with heavy metals from infiltrate. The results of studying the level of pollution of storm runoff from industrial site are presented. As part of the study the following challenges were addressed: study of formation of surface runoff heavily polluted with infiltrate at the site and treatment options; implementation of sorption-filtration technology in a real project with the use of filters for surface runoff treatment (FOPS®) installed in sewer manholes; evaluation of the possible removal of heavy metal ions from real runoff with natural zeolite-clinoptololite. Possible purification of the studied runoff with the use of FOPS®-TS filter with natural zeolite was substantiated. It was shown that ultra high concentrations of aluminium, zinc and copper are formed in infiltrate entering the drainage system on site. Using FOPS®-TS filter provided for the high efficiency of aluminium, zinc, copper and iron removal during the test period (April – October).

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