Tag:ground water



DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.11.01

UDC 628.11:504.4.054

Pomeliaiko Irina

Water supply of the resorts of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody


The results of long-term environmental monitoring of water used for household and drinking purposes of the resort towns of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are presented. The characteristics of river and spring waters are given. The degree and form of their pollution and physiological usefulness are estimated. The causes of pollution of water bodies with heavy metals, oil products, nitrogen-containing compounds are analyzed. The data on the non-compliance of the chemical and microbiological composition of the water being studied with the requirements of regulatory documents is presented. The main factors affecting the pollution of water resources in the region are identified. Direct and indirect problems associated with the water supply of resorts are considered. Recommendations on improving the quality indicators of a number of water sources are given. The monitoring results obtained indicate that the quality of the water used in the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody for water supply only partially meets the requirements to the safety, physiological usefulness and organoleptic properties. Consumption of spring water can lead to serious health problems since almost everywhere this water contains: Hg, As, Ba, Pb, Se, Sr, Al, NO2, phosphates, oil products, in concentrations that exceed the MPCs. Microbiological and parasitological standards are significantly exceeded. Analysis of the data of the long-term environmental monitoring allows stating that the situation with water resources in the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is close to critical.

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UDC 627.

Voronov I. V., Shirkova T. N.

Designing drainage systems of flooded areas on the basis of computer simulation


To make hydrogeological calculations of drainage systems for protecting territories from floods the methods of analogy, analytical and computer simulation are used. The method of computer simulation as applied to designing drainage systems on the territory of the Imeretinskaia Lowland of the Krasnodar Area is closely considered. The analysis of the model map of ground water depth after territory upfilling and building development provided for identifying the areas to construct the systems of engineering protection from floo­ding. The basic design solution of reducing ground water level on the flooded territories is constructing horizontal subsoil pipe drainage with filtering bedding or radial horizontal drainage. Depending on the results of the mathematical simulation of the hydrogeological conditions on the protected area and hydrogeological calculations pipe drainages of perimeter, linear or systematic (areal) type are constructed. Ground water by gravity is diverted into open-channel flows provided the proper ecological justification is available. As may be required automated drainage pumping over stations are established. The developed concept allows reducing and maintaining ground water level at the permissible depth.

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