Tag:car parking



DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.04.06
UDC 628.212.2/.316

Grekov Mikhail, Elagin Sergei, Kozinets Galina, Chechevichkin Viktor, Leonov L. V., Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.

Test operation of a two-stage plant based on FOPS® filters
for the enhanced treatment of surface runoff


Moto transport has been the main source of pollution of surface runoff in large cities; therefore, runoff from roads and car parking spaces must be subjected to enhanced treatment including several stages. As part of solving this problem, works were carried out to estimate the operation of a two-stage plant (based on sequentially operating FOPS®-S and FOPS®-MU filters) in the process of surface runoff treatment from the car parking spaces during various seasonal changes. As a result of test experiments, it was found that for 21 months the plant provided for 98–99% efficiency of removing suspended solids and 94–97% efficiency of removing oil products from the surface runoff. After three years operation including winter periods with below-zero temperatures to less than –20°C, the plant provided for the required treatment level according to the monitored parameters. Occasionally, the FOPS®-S filter was cleaned – removing suspended solids and oil products.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.02.04
UDC 628.212.2/.316

Leonov L. V., Grekov Mikhail, Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A., Elagin Sergei, Kozinets Galina

Test operation of a FOPS®-S filter separator in the process
of surface runoff purification from the car parking area


Surface runoff from large metropolitan areas is heavily polluted. Car parking areas are of overriding concern in pollution since the surface runoff generated on them contains high concentrations of oil products and suspended solids. The aim of the project was multi-season test operation of a FOPS®-S filter-separator for the purification of the surface runoff disposed into the sewer system from the parking area. In the course of observations, it was found that over 21 months of testing, the FOPS®-S filter provided for removing
82–99% suspended solids and 55–76% of oil products from heavily contaminated surface runoff (at their maximum concentration in the surface runoff 3000 and 10.5 mg/dm3, respectively). No decrease in the treatment efficiency was observed for 21 months, including the periods of negative temperatures (two seasons). During the tests the hydraulic discharge of the trapped pollutants from the FOPS®-S filter was carried out twice: suspended solids (~ 130 kg) and oil products (~ 2.1 dm3).
10,5 мг/дм3 соответственно). Снижения эффективности очистки в течение 21 месяца не наблюдалось, в том числе в периоды отрицательных температур (два сезона). За время испытаний из фильтра ФОПС®-С дважды производилась гидровыгрузка задержанных загрязнений: взвешенных веществ (~ 130 кг) и нефтепродуктов (~ 2,1 дм3).

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