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UDC 628.1/.2:004.9

Egorova Yu. A., Zaiko V. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas'kovskii A. V.

Development of the information complex at «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC


Data processing arrangement has been the most important condition of high efficient management of a utility system of any complexity degree. Integrated synergy of software from different designers is under development at «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC that will provide for the consolidation of data from the enterprise divisions. In the process of data exchange standard software tools built-in by the designers are used to full advantage; however if necessary the elements designed using own resources or by contractors are used. Much attention is paid to the compliance with the requirements to protecting the information classified as an official secret. The data exchange system is being upgraded; however even in its current form it provides for supplying the technical departments with operational information, reducing the time required for development of adequate hydraulic models, improving their sophistication, carrying out efficient locating and eliminating latent water losses in the water supply system.

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  1. Egorova Iu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas’kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A. [The experience of using geographic information technologies and program-calculation complexes in searching unaccounted-for water losses in the Samara water supply system]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2016, no. 8, pp. 45–50. (In Russian).
  2. Gal’perin E. M., Egorova Iu. A., Vas’kovskii A. V., Konevskii E. V. [Ways to improve the municipal water supply and distribution system]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2016, no. 10, pp. 23–28. (In Russian).
  3. Egorova Iu. A., Arsent’eva I. N., Vas’kovskii A. V., Konevskii E. V. [Hydraulic simulation of the operation modes of the Mekhzavod settlement water supply system]. Traditions and innovations in civil engineering and architecture. Construction Technologies. Samara, Samara State Technical University Publ., 2017, pp. 263–269. (In Russian).
  4. Egorova Iu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas’kovskii A. V. [The experience of using software for hydraulic simulation in searching for unaccounted-for water losses in Zhigulevskie Sady settlement]. Traditions and innovations in civil engineering and architecture. Construction Technologies. Samara, Samara State Technical University Publ., 2017, pp. 270–275. (In Russian).
  5. Egorova Iu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas’kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A. [Determining latent water losses in the water distribution networks in Samara by hydraulic model development and calibration]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2018, no. 1, pp. 33–38. (In Russian).

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