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UDC 628.112.24:69.003.13

Fisenko V. N.

Life cycle of submerged centrifugal pumps in groundwater wells


The duration of a life cycle (energy efficient and operation) of a submerged pump in a groundwater well is determined by the characteristics of a tapped underground reservoir and the quality parameters obtained during underground reservoir tapping as well as by the technical characteristics and production quality of the submerged pump used related to the energy efficiency – SP(0,75) margin head in the energy efficient range and SP(0,7) in the operation range of the pump head-capacity curve. Making better use of the life cycle (energy efficient and operational) of a submerged pump in a well is possible with the help of additional technical control means in the well and on the surface; whereas the elongation of the life cycle is possible by using more advanced energy efficient pumping equipment, developments in the field weakly enhanced by the state, or by carrying out maintenance and repair in the well, or by artificial making up the underground water resources. The indicators of engineering level and product quality established by the manufacturer at the pump design stage that determine the margin head on the pump head-capacity curve, in the energy efficient and operational ranges effect the duration of the life cycle of a submerged pump in a well, and hence determine the structure and value of the possible expenditures of a pumping equipment user and the unit cost of the abstracted water.

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