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UDC 628.112.24:622.24

Romanov A. A.

The use of casing made of unplasticised PVC in the construction of water wells


The data on the practical experience of using pipes made of unplasticised PVC in the construction of water wells by the example of «AkvaStroiMontazh» Company is presented. The background of the emerging technology, problems in the introduction, the economic effect gained and other advantages are described. The use of casing made of unplasticised PVC in the construction of water wells facilitates work intensification, well cost reduction etc. Different patterns of technical and engineering factors influencing borehole curving (e.g., the dependence on the number of rolling cutters or bit blades) were defined. To prevent borehole curving special attention should be paid to the value of drilling bit weight and control of the rotation speed. These parameters are of prime importance for the dril­ling efficiency. Increasing the boring speed is the most evident method of well cost reduction. The experience of «AkvaStroiMontazh» Company proves the growth of using casing made of unplasticised PVC in water well construction in Russia. The innovative technology of well boring has a great potential and numerous advantages.

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