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UDC 628.161.2:546.72/.711

Govorov O. B., Govorova Zh. M., Kvartenko A. N.

Studies and experience of introducing innovative technologies of ground water conditioning


Ground water is often characterized by the presence of dissolved gases, iron and manganese compounds, fluorine in certain cases, nutrients, organics of natural and anthropogenic origin etc. Therefore, at the initial stage of ground water purification preliminary removal of dissolved gases and saturation of water with oxygen from air is required to provide for oxidizing protoxidic forms of the ingredients subject to removal. Testing ground water conditioning technologies was carried out under the conditions of the operating water treatment plant at the pilot facilities. The technologies involve the use of bioreactors with jet vacuum ejection at the initial stage and subsequent water filtration in filters with floating media. The role and advantages of bioreactors and technologies involving their use are shown in comparison with other aeration facilities and devices. Based on the research findings the process parameters of the main facilities operation have been specified that ensure the sustainable regulatory water treatment level. It was stated that after «charging» the bioreactor and filter media alongside with aeration and dissolved gas removal the efficiency of deironing at the first stage was 78.6–88.9%; at the second stage – up to до 97% at 25 and 8 m/h filtration rate, relatively. The results of experimental studies and commercial tests at the operating water intake are presented. The experience of operating commercial plants is generalized that confirms the efficiency of the developed energy-efficient technologies of ground water conditioning.

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