

bbk 000000

UDC 543.3

Khovanova S. B., Repina M. E., Nepomilueva L. I., Pochobut I. L., Malyshev V. V.

The experience of Central analytical laboratory of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC


Process control of water quality in Tumen is carried out in the Central analytical laboratory of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC. The Central analytical laboratory is an integrated facility uniting several laboratories that could be conditionally divided into three groups: for chemical analysis of drinking and natural water; for chemical analysis of wastewater and effluents; for microbiological studies (bacteriological laboratories and enzyme-immunoassay test laboratory). The main task of the laboratories is monitoring the quality of water supplied to the customers, natural surface and underground water, as well as testing the quality of effluent of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities for meeting MPC of pollutants. The priority tasks and organizational experience of the Central analytical laboratory are presented, including the activities of the groups and facility-level laboratories. Quality control is executed at every stage of the treatment process. The facilities and types of analyses for chemical, microbiological parameters and viral pollution markers are presented. Much attention is paid to the technique of enzyme-immunoassay testing, its capabilities and advantages. In relation to viral and bacteriological water pollution the method of polymerase chain reaction is considered. The issue of equipping with advanced instruments and laboratory test facilities, continuous upgrade of material and technical base of the laboratory is touched upon. Special attention is paid to the improvement of professional skills of the lab personnel including participation in workshops and conferences. Participation of the lab specialists in the annual Russian interlaboratory tests and achieved results are described. Plans and the Central analytical laboratory development outlook for the coming years are presented.

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