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UDC 628.33

Alekseyev E. V.

On using «specific flotosorption» index in flotator process design


An approach to describing the process of extracting pollutants by flotation based on the adsorption mechanism of the interaction of the participating phases is suggested. Basing on these perceptions possible determination of the flotation engineering parameters is shown. The analysis of the typical dynamics of the water treatment process in contact flotation cell models is presented. The recommendations on determining the parameters of the flotation process: flotation cell capacity and supplied gas (air) flow rate are given.

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  1. Alekseev E. V. Osnovy tekhnologii ochistki stochnykh vod flotatsiei. – M.: Izd-vo ASV, 2009.
  2. Alekseev E. V. Fiziko-khimicheskaia ochistka stochnykh vod. – M.: Izd-vo Assotsiatsii stroitel'nykh vuzov, 2007.
  3. Pozin M. E., Ziniuk R. Iu. Fiziko-khimicheskie osnovy neorganicheskoi tekhnologii. – SPb: Khimiia, 1993.
  4. Alekseev E. V. Effektivnost' tekhnologicheskikh skhem flotatsionnykh ustanovok dlia ochistki stochnykh vod ot PAV // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 2001. № 2. S. 30–33.

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