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UDC 628.35:665.6

Stepanov S. V., Strelkov A. K., Blinkova L. A., MOROZOVA K. M., Belyakov A. V.

Estimating kinetic constants for the process of biochemical treatment of oil refinery wastewater


The results of studies carried out under periodic conditions at the wastewater biological treatment facilities of the Novokouibyshevsky, Kouibyshevsky, Syzransky and Atchinsky oil refineries are presented. With reference to the measured oxygen consumption rate the values of the maximum oxidation rate, Michaelis constants and coefficient of inhibition by activated sludge degradation products were obtained. Kinetic constants depend on the raw wastewater composition and are subject to daily fluctuations. The obtained values can be used in designing aeration tanks for oil refinery wastewater treatment.

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