


UDC 628.21:004.65:53.072.12
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.11.05

Rakitskii D. S., Vas'kovskii A. V., Konevskii E. V.

Designing an electronic network and a hydraulic model of the wastewater disposal system of the Urban District of Samara


For the purpose of improving the efficiency of the wastewater disposal system control in the Urban District of Samara, along with providing for the reliable operation and mitigation of the negative impact on the environment in the context of the urban area development, the specialists of Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy, LLC, are designing and using in their work an electronic network and a hydraulic model of the municipal sewer system and its structures. However, prior to developing and launching the model operation, a detailed analysis of the current condition of the wastewater disposal system (passportization), arrangement of the interaction of the subdivisions on the data updating (actualization), provision of the data entry on the calculated nodal loads and data on the occurring blockages are needed. The correct simulation can provide for the significant improvement of the system operation efficiency, mitigation of the flooding risks and improvement of the general control of the water resources. Using these technologies will not only contribute to the sustainable development of the urban infrastructure, but also provide for the environmental protection and public health.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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