


UDC 628.237.2:628.521
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.06

Vasiliak L. M., Sobur Denis

Why is ozone not used in world practice to control odors
from the wastewater disposal system?


The reasons that limit possible using ozone to remove hydrogen sulfide and other malodorous substances coming from the wastewater treatment facilities and wastewater pumping stations are analyzed. It is shown that one of the main disadvantages is the long time required to remove malodorous substances to the required low concentrations. The main reaction of ozone interacting with hydrogen sulfide is presented, its rate is analyzed, and it is shown that the typical duration of the reaction ranges from tens of minutes to several hours. The difficulties of using ozone to remove hydrogen sulfide, associated with the chemical resistance of the latter, are presented. The ozone concentrations required for the effective cleaning, and the number of ozone molecules consumed to remove one hydrogen sulfide molecule are estimated. Data are provided on the use of ozone to remove volatile organic compounds, including phenol and formaldehyde. Issues related to the disposal of reaction products and safety precautions of ozone use are also discussed.

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