Tag:water distribution network



DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.06.01
UDC 628.1:543.31

Vozhdaeva M. Iu., Kholova Al’fiia, Trukhanova N. V., Melnitsky I. A., Kantor E. A., Beloliptsev I. I.

Estimation of the variability of the chemical composition of drinking water transported by water distribution networks


While estimating the reliability and efficiency of water supply and sanitation utilities, transporting drinking water to the consumer requires closer attention due to possible quality deterioration during long transportation time, as well as in dead-end and local stagnant zones of distribution networks. It was revealed that the values ​​of the general chemical indicators in drinking water during its transportation are quite sound. An exception is the turbidity of drinking water from surface water intakes and the hardness of drinking water from infiltration water intakes. Statistical criteria obtained during long-term data processing (the range of variation in metal concentrations, standard deviation and the shape of the density distribution graphs of their concentrations) evidence greater stability in the composition of drinking water in networks compared to water in clean water tanks at water intakes. A close to normal distribution of the concentration values of the selected indicators suggests the absence of significant random factors affecting the quality of water in the networks. Dead ends and local stagnant zones of networks are exposed to corrosion processes occurring inside pipes, which is confirmed by higher values of the Langelier index in water samples from these zones. In general, drinking water from surface water intakes is characterized by a wide scatter in the concentrations of the components and is more corrosive compared to the water from infiltration water intakes. Water in stagnant and dead-end zones of water distribution networks has raised turbidity and contains increased concentrations of iron and zinc. Relative to the current water quality standards, the concentration values were at a stable acceptable level in any sampling point, which is confirmed by the range of variation in concentrations during the whole observation period (2006–2016).

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