Tag:intrastratal water purification



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UDC 628.161.2

KURANOV N. P., KUZMIN V. V., Boldyrev Kirill, Bilek F.

Geochemical simulation of intraformational deironing and demanganation of ground water


A model of intraformational elimination of iron and manganese from ground water based on PhreeqC 2 software package was developed. The model takes into account the chemical parameters of the proceeding processes. The model application results show the high efficiency of intraformational deironing in the area of the Mostovoy water intake (Komsomolsk-on-Amur city). The effect of manganese concentration increase in pumped water during the initial operating period of the Tungus ground water intake is explained. The developed technique of hydrogeochemical simulation provides for designing a model of intraformational process of iron and manganese elimination while taking into account the analysis of the rock water-retaining capacity and intrastratal water.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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