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UDC 628.1.033

NEFEDOVA E. D., Mel'tser A. V., Kiselev A. V., Gvozdev V. A., Kuz'mina T. N., Erastova N. V., Denisova A. L.

The method of integral estimation of drinking water safety (experience of use in SUE «St. Petersburg Vodokanal»)


Supplying safety drinking water to the population is a main task of the state policy focused on the public health protection. The quality of water consumed day-to-day has a significant effect on the human health. The existing methods of estimating the quality of drin­king water reduce mainly to the comparison of actual chemical concentrations with the hygienic regulations. This approach does not provide for determining possible risk for human health. The developed method of integral estimation of drinking water safety based on the calculation of an integrated estimated figure takes into account the differently directed impact of the substances producing toxic, carcinogenic and olfactory-reflex effects. The given calculation is based on the method of health risk assessment. The sequence of determining the integral indicator of drinking water safety involves the integration of values that specify carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks as well as the risk of olfactory-reflex (organoleptic) effects. To solve this problem some models of risk assessment as applied to the indicators of organoleptic effect were developed. The estimation of the total risk of organoleptic effects is made by selecting its maximum value from the entire set of values. To estimate carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks nonthreshold models based on probability calculations of harmful effect progression are used. The method will provide for studying more thoroughly possible negative effect related to drinking water consumption; improving the mechanisms of drinking water quality estimation; upgrading industrial control programs and social-hygienic monitoring; establishing the priority of activities aimed at water treatment improvement which in the long run will contribute to minimizing possible risk for public health.

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