Tag:well pump



bbk 000000

UDC 628.12:699.81


Modular Fire-Fighting Pumping Station


The modular fire-fighting pumping station produced by the Ecoline Ltd. is presented. The station is intended for lifting and pumping of sea water for the purpose of provision of the required flow rate at the fire.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.112.24:621.671

Shchavelev A. S., Zakharov V. A., Nikitin V. I.

Deep-well pumping units at the Velizhany water treatment facilities of Tumen


Centrifugal submersible pumps are designed for installation in deep wells, open pits and different reservoirs. The pumps ensure high pressure of the pumped clean water with a small sand concentration. Deep-well pumps are widely used both for domestic and industrial purposes (e. g. for automatic water supply, garden irrigation, in firefighting systems etc.). Deep-well pumping units have been used at the Tumen Vodokanal facilities from the beginning of 1980-ies in response to the need of deep underground water abstraction. The story of establishing the production of APVM and ETSV deep-well pumping units at the premises of the mechanical repair department of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC is described. The problems related to their production and operation are designated. The succeeding introduction of advanced energy efficient equipment manufactured by Wilo German company and SAER Italian company is considered, the results of their operation are presented. Replacing ETSV pumping units with Wilo and SAER energy efficient pumps provided for reducing the energy intensity at the water intake facilities of the Velizhany water treatment plant by 23.8%. The results of pilot operation of Ciris CRS10-65/3 deep-well pumping unit manufactured by Livnynasos OJSC at one of the Tumen water intakes are summarized. The operation of deep-well pumping units made of high quality anticorrosive materials allowed three-fold reduction of repairs and hence significantly decrease of the operation and maintenance expenditures at the intake pum­ping station of the Velizhany water treatment facilities.

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bbk 000000

UDC 628.17.001.4

Kosteuk Aleksandr, Tverdokhleb I. B.

Power Saving Operation of Borehole Pumps ЭЦВ


It is told about selection of the most efficient method of regulation of pump units equipped with borehole pumps ЭЦВ. The use of a frequency electric drive, as a rule, is inefficient, because of the large static component and small dynamic component of the total pressure created by pumps. Cascade regulation is recommended for this type of units.

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