Tag:digested mixture



UDC 628.38:628.336.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.08

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Teplykh Evgenii, Porshina Elizaveta

Justification for the use of sludge of biologically treated wastewater in the production of ceramic materials


Pollution in industrial wastewater comprises the scraps of processed raw materials and chemicals used in the treatment process. The conditions of the generation and properties of sludge of wastewater biological treatment and of matured sludge are considered. The properties of municipal wastewater sludge and main ways of utilization are given, as well as theoretical justification for the use of matured sludge from biological wastewater treatment facilities in the production of ceramic materials. The following characteristics of municipal wastewater sludge are presented: fractional makeup, dynamic pattern of the mass of various sludge fractions in the process of thermal processing, chemical composition.

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