Tag:accumulating systems



UDC 628.33:628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.07.07

Sukhomlinov Viktor, Melekhov Roman, Golosniakov Vitalii

Efficient treatment of surface runoff


The experience of practical operation of flow-through systems for surface runoff treatment in different real-life environment on the territory of the Russian Federation showed their complete technological failure. In the estimation of specialists, the process and design parameters of flow-through plants do not comply with the design standards in force in the Russian Federation, the declared degree of surface runoff treatment being unachievable; that is, virtually, flow-through systems simulate treatment processes. Along with the traditional set of pollutants typical for surface runoff (sand, suspended solids, oil products and heavy metals), microplastics pose a real threat to water bodies that receive storm water. Technological inconsistency of flow-through treatment systems and new objective tasks of removing additional types of pollution from surface runoff necessitate the use of reliable process solutions for the treatment of surface runoff.

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