Tag:ASM2d model



UDC 628.35
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.04

Stepanov S. V., Kharkina O. V., Avdeenkov Pavel, Lazunin Maksim, Ponomarenko Ol’ga

Mathematical simulation of wastewater treatment processes in aeration tanks


A new version of the mathematical model of wastewater treatment processes in aeration tanks with biological nitrogen removal and biological-chemical phosphorus removal has been developed based on the mutual complementation of the VODGEO/SamGTU and ASM2d methods. The «inverse problem» of technological calculation of aeration tanks has been solved mathematically, i. e. by determining the pollution concentrations in effluent with available data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the raw wastewater for the specified values of process and design parameters of the facilities. An algorithm for providing quantitative process recommendations has been developed. Following the conducted research, the Potential software was developed designed for the primary acquisition, technological calculations and providing recommendations to the personnel of the treatment facilities. The implementation of the software will reduce the operating costs by optimizing the process flow pattern of the biological wastewater treatment facilities in the shortest possible time.

The study was carried out within the framework of Agreement No. 4951GS1/85526 with the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology».

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