Tag:biologic and chemical technology



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UDC 628.35:661.63.001.42

KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., KAZAKOVA E. A., Khramenkov S. V., Pakhomov A. V.

Industrial tests of biological and chemical phosphorus removal at the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities


The results of industrial-scale testing of combined biological and chemical phosphorus removal technology with the addition of ferric chloride at the Lyubersty wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The process of eliminating phosphorus from the municipal wastewater low in organics is unstable. During the experiment high level of phosphate removal (to 0.2 mg/l) was reached on retention of high efficiency removal of other pollutants. The use of ferric chloride does not influence the efficiency of biological nitrogen removal; however, the efficiency of phosphorus removal decreased a little. The recommendations were developed on using biological and chemical method of phosphorus removal as a temporary measure to provide for the required quality of effluent during high phosphorus load.


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