bbk 000000
UDC 628.196
Golovanchikov A. B., Yefremov M. Yu., Doulkina N. A.
Enhancing the removal of hardness and iron ions from water
The numerical calculation of the problem of determining the concentration of components in the flowing water and in the stationary solid state – ionite granules, is presented. For three cations, namely Ca+2, Mg+2 and Fe+2 subject to removal, the reduced concentrations in ionite and equilibrium concentrations in the treated water are calculated for each component. The calculations made show more than double increase of the surface coefficient of external mass transfer and of the volumetric coefficient of mass transport when the electric field intensity changes from 0 to 100 V/m. With that, the cycle operating time increases due to the increase of ionite exchange capacity use.
Key words
iron , water treatment , ion exchange , hardness ions , cathode , anode , ionite , exchange capacity , electric field , mass transfer