

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.11.03
UDC 626.88

Shul’gin Vladimir, Nabokov Sergei

Best practice of using air-bubble curtains as part of complex fish protection structures


The results of studying the operation of complex fish protection structures with the use of air-bubble curtains are presented. A description of the operating mechanism of complex fish protection structures and the principle of operation of the air-bubble curtain is given. On the basis of a hydraulic calculation, a method for designing and using an air-bubble curtain as part of complex fish protection structures has been developed. The results of estimating the functional efficiency of the built complex fish protection structures are presented. The complex fish protection structures that include debris deflectors and air-bubble curtains and operate in an air-lift mode, effectively protect fish fry. Provided the operating parameters of the equipment and the selected alignment of the structures with account of the hydraulic and technical features of the water intake have been correctly chosen, their efficiency is guaranteed to exceed the standard values.

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