

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.07
UDC 628.32

Egorova Yu. A., Kichigin V. I., Nesterenko O. I., Iudin Aleksandr

Wastewater sludge treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities with the purpose of its further utilization


Sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is the most massive technological waste that causes trouble for any city. Possible methods of wastewater sludge treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities of the Samara Urban District with the purpose of its further utilization are considered. The reasons are indicated and documentary evidence of the incorrectness of assigning the responsibility for processing such wastes only to the water and wastewater utilities is provided. The method of landfilling dewatered wastewater sludge in a ridged landfill is considered. It has been established that the sludge processed at the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to the V class of environmental hazard. Sludge subjected to the treatment, stabilization, drying and neutralization (low hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment; almost non-hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment and excess sludge from biological treatment facilities mixed with raw sludge) can be used as fillers for concrete-cement mixtures and organo-mineral fertilizers or transferred for disposal to outside companies.

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