

bbk 000000

UDC 628.147.22

Glazkov D. V., Маслов Е. Б.

Method of formation of centrifugal cement-sand coating
in steel water pipes


The results of the experimental studies of determining the optimal composition of cement-sand coating and the procedure of its formation on the interior face of water pipes are presented. The internal cohesion of cement-sand mixture depending on its water content was studied; based on the research results the water-cement ratio and the optimal speed of pipe spinning in the process of coating formation were selected. Different cement-containing compositions resistant to dulling and ensuring adequate protective anticorrosive coating were tested. The process operations of the centrifugal coating formation based on the mixtures with flexible consistency are proposed; the method implementation is theoretically substantiated. The executed studies showed that introducing complexed mineral-chemical additive (in the amount of approximately 3% of the cement mass) into cement-sand mixture provided for improving significantly the operational properties of the coating, almost doubling the strength and waterproofing capacity, and reducing the water demand of the mixture. This additive is not toxic; it does not change the toxico-hygienic characteristics of the final product; and the mortar stone does not release substances hazardous to health.

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  1. Maslov E. B. [The use of dry spinning method for cement-sand coating in steel pipes]. Mekhanizatsiia Stroitel’stva, 2016, no. 4, pp. 12–15. (In Russian).
  2. Akhverdov I. N. Zhelezobetonnye napornye tsentrifugirovannye truby [Reinforced concrete pressure centrifuged pipes. Moscow, Stroiizdat Publ., 1967, 164 p.].

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