

bbk 000000

UDC 628.14:62-531.3.004.18                                     Светлой памяти Бориса Семеновича Лезнова


Nezamaev E. A., Bychkov D. A., Rodin N. V.

Improving the system of the water distribution network
operation control in Tumen


Owing to large-scale housing construction in 2004–2008 the water consumption in Tumen significantly increased.  The growing loading on the water facilities resulted in intermittent insufficient pressure level at the pumping stations in separate municipal districts. These irregularities actually «shattered»  the water supply system; and in case of continuing water consumption pattern they could have caused complete water deficiency and water supply collapse because of the lack of the capacity reserve already in 2009. To handle the problem the upgrade projects were urgently updated – the parameters of the pumping units and their control algorithms were revised. The key role in calculations played the studies of Boris Semenovich Leznov, a famous research worker in the field of variable speed drives for pumping units. The system of water intake control was qualitatively modified. Pressure gauges were installed at ten critical control points in the distribution network that transmitted on-line data to the Central Control Service. Upgrading pumping stations and using reliable information on the distribution network operation provided for uninterrupted water supply of the entire city. Operator’s control of the emergency situations in the water distribution network was an additional advantage of pressure monitoring. In 2011 and 2012 variable speed drives were put into pilot operation at the second-stage pumping stations of the Tumen public water supply. As a result the stable operation of the pumping equipment and energy saving were ensured; throttling was abandoned. At present the control algorithms for complete automation of the municipal water supply are being designed.

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  1. Leznov B. S. Energosberezhenie i reguliruemyi privod v nasosnykh ustanovkakh [Energy saving and variable-speed drive in pumping units. Moscow, IK «Iagorba-Bioinformservis» Publ., 1998, 180 p.].
  2. Khramenkov S. V. Strategiia modernizatsii vodoprovodnoi seti [The strategy of water distribution network up­grading. Moscow, Stroiizdat Publ., 2005, 400 p.].
  3. http://www.tpproject.ru/projects/id36/ (accessed May 6, 2014).

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