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UDC 628.161.3:658.52.011.56

Shterner S. R., Nesterov Iu. V., Novoshintsev V. N., Valuyskikh I. V., Zhagin V. A., Boldyrev Viacheslav Viktorovich, Pokazaniev D. S.

Instrumentation and control modules for the optimization of water chemical treatment process


The results of introducing instrumentation and control modules of «Coagulant–clarifier», automatic coagulant dosing and «Chlorine–monitoring» are presented. The modules were designed for measuring turbidity, coagulated suspension clarification rate, coagulant dosage, and free residual chlorine in 33 water samples taken from different points of the chemical treatment process at pumping-filtration plant No. 1 of Novosibirsk. The modules were incorporated into UNITOK-DISPETCHER integrated automated software control and management system. The use of flow receiving and distribution units and a set of flow-type sensors provides for fulfilling the task of automated control of the entire process flows. The stabilization of process parameters is achieved by automation of dosing coagulant process solutions in the mixing chambers of the first and second plant blocks. Ten-year experience of operating the modules showed that the reliability and operational efficiency of the instrumentation systems, objectiveness (laboratory independence), free choice of sampling number and rate improve the operational efficiency of decision making by the control service, process techno­logy optimization, and ensure reliable high-quality drinking water supply.

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  1. Shterner S. R., Protsenko V. V., Borozdina N. F., Zuevich A. Ia., Mikheev V. V., Kolupaev A. G., Konovalov A. K. [Automatic adjuster of water treatment technology]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 1997, no. 7, pp. 21–23. (In Russian).
  2. Shterner S. R. Metody optimizatsii deistvuiushchikh tekhnologii reagentnoi ochistki vody sredstvami ASU TP [Me­thods of optimizing the existing chemical water treatment technologies by introducing an automated process control system: Proceedings of scientific-and-practical seminar «Advanced technologies of ensuring the reliability of water supply and wastewater disposal systems». Novosibirsk, April 19–21, 2005, pp. 39–40].
  3. Shterner S. R., Luzgin S. L. Optimizatsiia tekhnologii reagentnoi ochistki vody sredstvami ASU TP [Methods of optimizing chemical water treatment technologies by introducing an automated process control system: Proceedings of II International scientific-and-practical conference «Solving the problems of water management in the Siberian Region». Novosibirsk, October 27–28, 2005, pp. 41–43].
  4. Valuiskikh I. V., Pokazan’ev D. S., Boldyrev V. V., Paletskii A. V., Shterner S. R., Frizen S. E. [Water treatment process control with local automation equipment]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2009, no. 3, pp. 54–57. (In Russian).
  5. Mamaev V. V., Zhagin V. A., Boldyrev V. V., Gurtiakov Iu. V., Kusaia M. V., Arkhipova E. E., Aleshko D. S., Shterner S. R. Avtomaticheskii kontrol’ mutnosti fil’trata pri vvode fil’tra posle promyvki v rabotu na vodoochistnykh stantsiiakh Vladivostoka, Khabarovska, Novosibirska [Automatic monitoring of filtrate turbidity during filter start-up after washing at the water treatment plants of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk: Proceedings of VI International research and production conference «Solving the problems of environmental safety in water sector». – Novosibirsk, December 8–9, 2010, pp. 36–39].
  6. Shterner S. R., Luzgin S. L., Nesterov Iu. V., Kopeliovich B. L., Mamaev V. V., Novoshintsev V. N., Valuiskikh I. V., Zhagin V. A., Boldyrev V. V. Na puti optimizatsii tekhnologicheskogo protsessa reagentnoi ochistki vody. NFS-1 g. Novosibirska [On optimizing chemical water treatment process. Pumping-filtration plant No. 1 of Novosibirsk: Proceedings of VIII International research and production conference «Solving the problems of environmental safety in water sector». Novosibirsk, October 17–19, 2012, pp. 57–62].

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