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UDC 628.316.12:546.72

Filatova E. G., Pomazkina O. I., Dudarev V. I., Soboleva A. A.

Removing iron with carbon sorbent from plating wastes


The results of investigating adsorption capacity of sorbents in relation to iron ions (III) under static and dynamic conditions (with the use of isotherms and kinetic adsorption curves) are presented. To provide for removal of iron ions (III) and tertiary treatment of plating wastes IPI-T activated carbon was used that was produced from the wastes of phenol-formaldehyde resin production and modified with sulfosalicylic acid for IPI-Tm sorbent production was used. The maximum rate of sorbate passing through the sorbent layer was 5–7.5 ml/min which corresponded to the linear velocity of 1.5–2 m/h under full-scale conditions. The main factor that affects the sorption process is pH with optimal value of 1.79. Constants of BET adsorption equation for IPI-Tm modified sorbent were determined. The limiting sorption capacity of the monolayer was 128 mmol/kg, for IPI-T sorbent – 20.8 mmol/kg, limiting adsorption А∞ – 100 mmol/kg, adsorption equilibrium constant – 1·104; at that standard Gibbs energy of adsorption was 22.819 kJ/mol. Under dynamic conditions the time of the protective effect of IPI-Tm sorbent was 4 hours, i. e. 2 hours longer compared to IPI-T sorbent, and the volume capacity for IPI-Tm was 7.2 mg/l, i. e. twice as high as that for IPI-T.

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