Tag:hydrogen sulfide-containing underground water



DOI 000000

UDC 628.17.001.4

Babaev A. A.

Removing hydrogen sulfide from water with air oxygen
by the method of «dry» filtration in anthracite media


One of the causes that limit the widespread use of artesian waters is the presence of hydrogen sulfide. The method of removing hydrogen sulfide from water by converting the ionic forms HS- and S2- into molecular H2S (acidification of water to pH ≤ 5) with subsequent degassing is not environmentally friendly due to air pollution with hydrogen sulfide blown away in the degasser. Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur or its oxides is carried out with the use of expensive oxidants that while being applied require special safety measures. An effective chemical free method of removing hydrogen sulfide from water can be the use of an oxidizing filter consisting of a sealed housing partially filled with non-submerged catalytic electrically conductive anthracite media with a grain size of 0.8–2 mm. Air is injected into the distribution perforated water feeding system located above the media. Herewith, the tightness of the filter eliminates the emission of hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere and pollution of the room, whereas the entire volume of the catalytic media is residing in an oxygen-containing environment in the most active mode of catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. Purified water is collected at the bottom of the filter in a collector with an air outlet connected to it. After 2–4 days of operation, the filter is removed from the filtration mode to regenerate the catalytic media by back air washing with the removal of elemental sulfur S0 formed during the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide.

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