Tag:regenerating solution



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UDC 628.1

Skryabin A. Yu., FESENKO L. N., Popovian G. V.

Imports substitution technologies and equipment for sodium hypochlorite production


The relevance and economic viability of substituting the imported electrolyzers with the home-made units for producing low concentrated sodium hypochlorite in drinking water disinfection are shown. Russia started practicing disinfection of drinking water by chlorination at the beginning of the 1920-ies (in St. Petersburg). It turned to be a practical solution to the problem of efficient sanitary water supply of the communities. However, in relation to the current requirements water disinfection by gaseous chlorine transported to the water treatment facilities in liquid form has a number of limitations; the most significant among them is the power of chlorine in case of a leak to affect both the operating personnel and the population of the territories adjacent to the water treatment facilities. Transportation of chlorine barrels and warehousing chlorine large tonnage is a real threat to the cities and communities. This fact gave rise to the tendency of rejecting the traditional chlorination in drinking water treatment in favor of electrolytic sodium hypochlorite produced onsite by electrolysis of common salt solution.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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