Tag:water leak detection



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.08
UDC 628.179.36:004.415.53

Egorova Yu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas'kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A.

Implementation of electronic models of water supply
and wastewater disposal systems


Since 2013, «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy», LLC, within the framework of the implementation and development of electronic models of water supply and wastewater disposal systems, acquired the software, arranged the process of certification and updating of water distribution and sewer networks, tested various methods of detecting latent water losses in the water distribution networks using the results of hydraulic modeling, assessed various promising measures for the development of the water supply and distribution system and wastewater disposal, developed an algorithm for the interaction of various software products and employees working with them, carried out measures on meeting the requirements for the protection of information related to the National Security Information, developed measures to maintain previously achieved results in eliminating water losses. Currently, full-scale detailed hydraulic models of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems are being developed, a mechanism is being tested for transferring data from the sales department on the volumes of provided services directly to the hydraulic model.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

Galiullin M. F., Ponomarenko D. S., Perfil’ev V. P., Bychkov D. A.

Integrated approach to reducing water losses in Tyumen


Sustainable and integrated water resources management is one of the important challenges of the present. Access to clean water in the world is limited, in some regions there is an acute shortage. Supplying clean water in the required quantities and quality is becoming a priority for policy makers and water industry professionals worldwide. Reducing the expenditures of the resource providers, improving the efficiency of water treatment processes are those internal resources that can provide for the sustainable development of the enterprise, in a down economy in particular. The main line of «Tyumen Vodokanal» LLC activities, key elements of the operations, and insights are presented. Over the past five years Vodokanal of Tyumen managed almost to halve the water losses – from 31.7 to 16% while increasing the length of the maintained water distribution networks by 27%.

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