Tag:pollution oxidation



UDC 628.349.094.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.05

Strelkov A. K., Tarakanov D. I., Negoda Larisa, Piskunov Kirill

Wastewater treatment of PVC floor tile production


The results of studies on the purification of wastewater generated during the production of PVC tiles containing products of thermal decomposition of the raw materials are presented. The wastewater contains increased values ​​of COD, salt content, chloride and sulfate concentrations. During the research work experimental studies were conducted on the purification of this wastewater by adding oxidizers and coagulants. The studies were conducted using the following oxidizers: hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, trichloroisocyanuric acid (Longafor), as well as coagulants: Equitall, Aurat EPOKHA, Unikof™-M. The studies showed that the best purification results were obtained using Longafor and Equitall chemicals. The purification efficiency in terms of COD removal was 70%.

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