bbk 000000
UDC 628.179.3
Egorova Yu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas'kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A.
The experience of using geographical information technologies and program-calculation complexes in searching unaccounted-for-water losses in the Samara water supply system
The use of geographical information systems and program-calculation complexes for hydraulic simulation of water supply systems provides for minimizing the labor intensity and calculation time, carrying out more complete and high-quality analysis of the results obtained, and applying efficiently in practice of searching unaccounted-for-water losses in the water distribution networks. The elimination of water losses provides for reducing the operating expenses, introducing most economical operation method, improving the operating reliability of each separate element and the entire system. The introduction of ZuluHydro 7.0 geographical information system and hydraulic simulation designed by Polyterm Russian company at the facilities of «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC ensured 38% reduction of the delivery water volume into the local zone network, 8 m w. c. reduction of the output pressure at the main pumping station, formation of the algorithm of actions in searching unaccounted-for-water losses (technical and commercial), and its extrapolation on the entire Samara water supply system.
Key words
water supply system , geoinformation system , hydraulic model , unaccounted-for-water losses (technical and commercial)