Tag:laser cutting



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UDC 628:658.5

Mambetov Arsen

EKOTON Industrial Group: philosophy of quality


In 2011 EKOTON Company entered the world market that required from the production departments meeting the higher industrial quality and production capacity standards. Meeting the standards became possible through three components: advanced machinery equipment, good manufacturing practices and active involvement of every member of the labor collective. The use of the advanced equipment, e.g. laser and hydroabrasive cutters, provides for the high efficiency and wide range of the workable products at the blank sections of the company’s enterprises. For the next mechanical operations NC lathes and millers are used that provide for the required accuracy. The use of robot welders, advanced welding machines and bench work tools at the final stage of the assembly work ensures the required quality of the products. Much attention is paid to the correct machining of stainless steel and aluminium. All the requirements to the storage, transportation and machining of these materials are taken into consideration to ensure long-term corrosion resistance. The main emphasis in the production process is made on the professional skills of the company employees and competent work activity management. Personification of the responsibility provides for involving the workers of the production area in teamwork, whereas the introduction of PLM-system in combination with 5S method of workplace organization provides for cost reduction and comfortable working conditions.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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