Tag:sewer manhole



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UDC 681.518.5

Galiullin M. F., Gurskii V. A., Krichkovskii E. V., Bychkov D. A.

Improving the efficiency of production processes with the use of mobile devices


«Rosvodokanal Tyumen» specialists have been actively using mobile the geographic information system for solving the problems of operating water supply and sewer networks over the past two years. This application has been designed by «Politerm» company (St. Petersburg) for devices based on Android 4.2 (and higher) operating system. The main advantages of using mobile GIS are as follows: the advanced level of inventory and certification of water and wastewater facilities; centralized data storage and quick access to the information; navigation on the ground; quick identification of a water or sewer manhole; reduction of time for decision making by the operations control service; decrease in production losses due to the reduction of time for search of manholes; high-quality planning and reduction of «idle» visits of emergency crews; improving the efficiency of ensuring fire safety.

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