Tag:absorbing filter



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UDC 628.194

Afanas'ev A. A., Beliaeva D. M., Shaporenko V. N., Rodionov A. E.

Advanced equipment for safe air exchange  in clean water tanks


The substantiation of the lack of engineering support of drinking water quality in relation to the hygienic regulations before supply to the customers is given. The comparative analysis of the engineering solutions of clean water tank maintenance is presented. Basing on the experience of designing water and wastewater networks the design of air exchange unit has been developed that outperforms the existing engineering solutions. The main advantage of the air exchange unit compared to the typical absorbing filter is the compactness that allows eliminating the costs of attaching generic design documentation, reducing the total cost of equipment and building and assembly works. The developed air exchange unit for clean water tanks is successfully replacing outdated standard absorbing filters. The fabrication materials ensure environmental resistance and allow operating the unit virtually in any climatic region at the temperature of –60 to +40 °С.

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