Tag:malodorous and toxic substances



UDC 628.1/.3:006.052
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.10.06

Orlov V. А., Primin Oleg

Assessment of the air and water environment in gravity sewer networks and measures to control odors and gas formation


One of the global tasks of the municipal services is to ensure comfortable living conditions for people, for which purpose the greatest attention should be paid to such aspects as clean water and air. The regulatory and technical documentation on the analysis of the urban air and wastewater transported through gravity sewers with malodorous gases present in the underroof space, are subject to study and assessment. The sources of pollution with odors detrimental to human health that result from the intensive biochemical processes in gravity networks are considered, as also measures are analyzed to reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of gases detrimental to human health. An analytical review of the results of potential analysis of samples of wastewater and air in the underroof space of sewers was conducted. It was noted that some types of microorganisms present in the enclosed airspace of sewer manholes could produce a negative impact on the human body, i.e. pose health risks to the maintenance staff of sewer networks while working in manholes without individual respiratory protective means. Chemical, mechanical and hydrodynamic methods for neutralizing substances that provoke the appearance of malodors are considered.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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