


UDC 628.169.2:628.336.8
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.08

Grigorieva Zh. L., Lobanov Fedor

Geotubing – a promising trend in dewatering and environmentally safe storage of biosludge


Possible use of geotubing for static dewatering and environmentally safe storage of biosludge is considered. Efficient chemicals have been provided for eliminating malodors, binding heavy metal ions, and disinfecting biosludge. The features of the application of static geotubing technology are emphasized. The proposed technology provides for the significant reduction of the area for biosludge deposit and elimination of the environmental impact during its storage with the maximum usability preservation. Advantages of the developed technology are as follows: savings on capital construction, mobility, continuous technological process, eliminating problems of process water absence, obtaining a leachate that meets the requirements for discharge to treatment facilities, low energy intensity, low operating costs, equidistribution of financial resources for the entire period of the project implementation, production of environmentally friendly product, possible work performance when convenient for the customer.

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