DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.01
UDC 628.166.094.3(477.75)
Skryabin A. Yu.
Ecological safety of Crimea: advanced technologies
of water management complexes
The main problems of the Crimean water supply are related to the shortage of drinking water, low technological and sanitary reliability of water treatment systems, the lack of a sufficient number of demineralization, softening and disinfecting water plants in the shoreland and rural areas, and the unsatisfactory state of the water distribution network and treatment facilities. In the circumstances concerned, an urgent task is to provide the population of Crimea with high-quality drinking water when increasing the environmental safety of the operation of engineering and water management complexes, including facilities, plants and installations for the treatment and disinfection of natural and waste water. The aspects and ways of solving the problems of recycling and reusing as a commercial product the concentrate of desalination and water softening plants, as well as electrolysis wastes of sodium hypochlorite production at the water treatment facilities for water disinfection are considered. Environmentally friendly technological solutions for the operation of the plants for chemical softening, reverse osmosis and sodium hypochlorite production from aqueous solutions of common salt are recommended.
Key words
disinfection , sodium hypochlorite , desalination , decarbonization , chemical softening , water scarcity , no-waste technology