bbk 000000
UDC 628.144:532.542/.543
Prodous O. A., Terekhov L. D., Smolin E. S.
Analysis of the international and domestic computing dependencies for the calculation of the head loss in pipelines made of polymer materials
The computing dependencies regulated by the domestic and international standards for the hydraulic calculation of pressure pipes made of polymer materials are considered. The design values of hydraulic characteristics of 600 mm diameter pressure polyethylene pipes obtained at a test installation (600 mm diameter pipe lined with polyethylene, 35.04 m section length) were compared. The comparative analysis of the computing dependencies used both in Russia and abroad for calculating the head loss in the pipes made of polymer materials was carried out. The priority sequence of using the international and domestic dependencies for hydraulic calculations of pipelines made of polymer materials is recommended.
Key words
pipeline , polymeric materials , hydraulic design , pressure losses , calculation formulae , analysis of computing dependencies