bbk 000000
UDC 628.162.8
Introduction of Two-Stage Scheme of Water Disinfection at Waterworks of St. Petersburg
It is told about the modernization of systems of water disinfection at waterworks of St. Petersburg using sodium hypochlorite and ammonium sulphate. It has allowed to liquidate completely the threat of affecting the city’s territory and population with highly toxic substances (gaseous chlorine and ammonia) owing to possible failures at industrial sites of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga and at transportation of liquefied chlorine and ammonia solutions, and also to exclude chlorine and ammonia influence on the environment in the case of equipment depressurization. Introduction of the technology of water disinfection with ultra-violet irradiation has favored the realization of the concept of multiple barriers at potable water disinfecting at the city’s waterworks.
Key words:
potable water , disinfection , liquefied chlorine , sodium hypochlorite , ammonia water , ammonium sulphate , ultra-violet irradiation