

DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.01.01
UDC 628.167.069.84

Tcherkesov A. Yu., Shchukin S. A., Denisova Irina

Study of the catalytic iron oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator


The results of studies of the catalytic iron oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator are presented. The studies were carried out in a laboratory setup. An artificially prepared model hydrogen sulfide-containing water served as the object of study. The laboratory setup was a reactor vessel where hydrogen sulfide was oxidized by air oxygen in the presence of iron hydroxide that acted as a catalyst for the process. The separation of purified water and Fe (OH)3 was carried out by ultrafiltration. All the experiments were executed under the conditions recommended for the iron catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide: concentration of iron (III) hydroxide 2 g/dm3, pH 7–8, residence time in the reactor 1 hour, air consumption 2 m3/m3, temperature 20–23 ºС. The oxidizing ability of the method has been experimentally confirmed at the above standard values of the indicators. A regression equation has been obtained that describes the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide by air oxygen in a reactor with a membrane separator. The presented method can be recommended in the process flow schemes of natural hydrogen sulfide-containing water purification for the purposes of drinking water supply.

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