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UDC 628.312:556.164

Palagin Evgenii, Gridneva M. A., Bykova P. G., Nabok T. Yu.

Study of the dynamics of surface runoff composition of the urban lands


The qualitative composition of surface runoff of urban lands is affected by significant fluctuations. Studying its dynamics, determining possible regularities and causes of these fluctuations can be conveniently carried out with the use of the mathematical apparatus of the time series analysis. The procedure of seasonal decomposition was applied to the time series of monthly dynamics with the annual periodicity of seasonal fluctuations with the help of the multiplicative model. The results of the quantitative chemical analysis of surface runoff at the «XXII Party Congress» outfall of the Samara municipality for 2004–2016 were used as benchmark data. As a result of the performed analysis the occurrence of the seasonal regularities of the surface runoff composition changes was determined. The seasonal indices of 15 effluent quality parameters were determined: BODfull, suspended solids, mineralization, chlorides, sulfates, ammonium ion, nitrite ion, nitrate anion, phosphates (as phosphorus), total iron, copper, zinc, aluminium, oil products, and detergents (anionic). Based on the given seasonal decomposition of the time series the qualitative assessment of the effect of the trend, seasonal and random components on the unsteadiness of the surface runoff quality parameters was performed.

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  1. Bykova P. G., Strelkov A. K., Palagin E. D., Kondrina E. E. [Quality of surface runoff discharged from the Samara territory into the Saratov water reservoir and the Samara River]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of the 67th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2010, pp. 567–569. (In Russian).
  2. Kichigin V. I., Palagin E. D., Ponomareva Iu. P. [Environmental management and impact of the economic branches on the environment]. Problems of Human Survival in Technogenic Environment of the New Towns. Proceedings of «Ecology and Public Health» XI All-Russia Congress. Samara, Samara Regional Centre for Science and Technology, 2006, pp. 116–117. (In Russian).
  3. Kichigin V. I., Palagin E. D. Modelirovanie zagriazneniia vodotokov poverkhnostnym stokom [Simulation of water course pollution with surface runoff. – Samara, SGASU Publ., 2005, 270 p.].
  4. Strelkov A. K., Shuvalov M. V., Gridneva M. A. [Surface runoff of Samara and its impact on water bodies used as water sources]. Nauchnoe Obozrenie, 2015, no. 7, pp. 139–143. (In Russian).
  5. Bykova P. G., Palagin E. D. [Factors of water quality deterioration in water sources]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of the 69th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2012, part II, pp. 204–206. (In Russian).
  6. Bykova P. G., Palagin E. D. [Concept of the target-oriented program «Development of storm water drainage of the Samara municipality»]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of the 69th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2012, part II, pp. 246–247. (In Russian).
  7. Palagin E. D., Bykova P. G., Pakhomova U. M. [Surface runoff treatment at the local treatment facilities]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of the 69th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2012, part II, pp. 249–250. (In Russian).
  8. Palagin E. D., Gridneva M. A., Bykova P. G., Nabok T. Iu. [Regularities of surface runoff composition changes]. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2013, no. 8, pp. 56–60. (In Russian).
  9. Palagin E. D., Bykova P. G., Pakhomova U. M. [Study of the seasonal fluctuations of BOD, suspended solids and oil products concentrations in surface runoff]. Vestnik SGASU. Gradostroitel’stvo i Arkhitektura: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Zhurnal, 2011, issue 4, pp. 57–59. (In Russian).
  10. Palagin E. D., Bykova P. G., Pakhomova U. M. [On the effect of seasonal fluctuation on the concentration of suspen­ded solids, BOD and oil products in surface runoff]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Procee­dings of the 68th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2011, pp. 774–777. (In Russian).
  11. Palagin E. D., Bykova P. G., Pakhomova U. M. [Study of the basic regularities in the variability of the qualitative composition of surface runoff in the Samara municipality]. Vestnik SGASU. Gradostroitel’stvo i Arkhitektura: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Zhurnal, 2011, issue 2, pp. 80–82. (In Russian).
  12. Palagin E. D., Bykova P. G., Pakhomova U. M. [Study of the basic regularities in the formation of the qualitative composition of surface runoff]. Traditions and Innovations in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of the 68th All-Russia Scientific and Technical Conference. Samara, SGASU Publ., 2011, pp. 771–774. (In Russian).

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