
Number 6 / 2014

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Kil'tau V. V., Kamel'skikh I. S., Dubovskaia E. M.

The history of the Tumen public water supply – the first in Siberia




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UDC 628.161.3

Troshkova E. A., Zhukova V. I., Alekseev S. E.

The use of ammonium sulfate in water treatment at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen


The purpose of the work was increasing the efficiency of water disinfection technology at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen without abandoning liquid chlorine use. The subject of the studies was the process of disinfection of the Tura river water and water after purification at the water intake near Metelevo settlement upstream of Tumen. For water disinfection at the municipal water treatment plants chlorine is used. The Tura river water contains high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollutants that cause high chlorine consumption; depending upon the season chlorine dosage va­ries from 3.5 to 17 mg/l. Therefore to ensure reliable disinfection of the water the use of high chlorine dosages is required. Besides, the total length of water mains and municipal distribution pipelines exceeds one thousand kilometers; whereas long-term operation caused their poor condition. Another problem arising in the process of river water treatment are specific odors (to 5 points) emerging occasionally in raw water that strengthen during disinfection with chlorine. Beginning from 2004 the specialists of the Metelevskii water treatment facilities have carried out laboratory and preparatory works on disinfecting river water with chlorination and ammoniation; and in accordance with the results – pilot tests. The main technical and technological aspects of using chlorammoniation at the Tumen water treatment facilities are considered. The results confirmed the efficiency of the given method of water disinfection. In addition, the water quality in the municipal distribution network was preserved, whereas the concentration of chlororganic compounds lowered.

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UDC 628.

Rodin N. V., Troshkova E. A., Grigoruk A. N., Bychkov D. A.

Reconstruction of rapid sand filters at the Velizhany water treatment facilities of Tumen


The city of Tumen is supplied with drinking water from two water sources – surface and underground. The complex of Metelevskii water intake and treatment facilities with a capacity of 150 thousand m3/day was built in 1981. The Velizhany water treatment facilities with a capacity of 128 thousand m3/day of drinking water were built in 1970-ies. The need for not simply repair but for the reconstruction of the facilities with improving the reliability of the treatment process was stipulated by the growing water deficiency in a rapidly developing city as well as by the lack of capacity reserve. The experience of upgrading rapid filters at the municipal water treatment facilities with the use of advanced drainage-distribution systems is presented. The drainage-distribution systems before and after rapid filters reconstruction are described; their basic parameters are given. The experience of retrofitting Triton drainage system in experimental filter No. 13 of the Velizhany water treatment plant is described. For the comparative evaluation and determination of the rapid filter maximum operational life control back washing of the filter media in filters No. 13 and 4 were carried out. In 2013 pilot tests of possible using Culligan Italiana S.p.A. filter media for removing manganese from the water of the Velizhany intake deep wells were carried out. The upgrade of the Metelevskii water intake rapid filters provided for required capacity of the purification facilities and water quality under the forced working conditions inter alia by means of the right selection and design of the drainage-distribution system. The experience of reconstructing filters at the Tumen water treatment facilities was used in the process of developing the relevant section of the «ROSVODOKANAL» Group technical policy.

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UDC 628.16.081.32

Shishov S. Yu., Troshkova E. A., Zhukova V. I., SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Smagin V. A.

Improving barrier functions of the Metelevskii water treatment facilities of Tumen city


The results of the preliminary tests showed that during the periods of elevated pollution of the water source (the Tura River) with different toxicants, natural and anthropogenic odorants the process flow scheme with the use of specially prepared powdered activated carbon for the conditions of the Metelevskii water intake would be worth considering. The process flow diagram of the pilot test facility was designed that provided for modeling the existing water treatment technology at the Metelevskii water treatment plant. The pilot facilities included chemical treatment units, clarification units, filtration and disinfection units. During water treatment process modeling the chemical dosages used (ammonium sulfate, chlorine, aluminium oxychloride and polyacrylamide) were similar to those at the Metelevskii water treatment plant for the moment the tests were carried out. According to the results of the tests the trademarks of powdered activated carbon used were defined as most efficient for odor and toxicant removal (by example of phenol). Before dosing into the water the sorbents were specially prepared (following the technique of NII VODGEO) to provide for maximum exhibiting sorption properties in relation to the mentioned target components. Special pilot equipment designed at NII VODGEO allowed reproducing all the water treatment modes applied at certain facilities. This modeling provides for adjusting water treatment technology, developing new process solutions, selecting new chemicals and dosages without interrupting the operation of the basic facilities. The results of the tests and pilot investigations with the use of powdered activated carbon at the Metelevskii water treatment facilities to remove anthropogenic toxicants and odors are presented. Powdered carbon trademarks were selected; recommendations for designing powdered activated carbon unit were given.

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UDC 543.632.495

Medvedeva T. M., Kolokolova N. N., Skriabin M. E.

Investigating iron bacteria in catalytic biofilm in underground waters at the Velizhany water treatment facilities of Tumen


Underground water used for drinking water supply of Tumen is characterized by high concentrations of iron and manganese that 1.3–10.59 times exceed the maximum permissible level. Iron and manganese can be efficiently removed from natural water with the help of microbiological oxidation and sorption processes. The studies aimed at analyzing the underground source for the presence of iron bacteria group and determining the rate of catalytical biofilm formation. Water analysis for the presence of iron bacteria was carried out in sand filters of the Velizhany water treatment facilities by microscopic method with the use of iron cytochrome coloring with potassium ferrocyanide on exposed specimen slides. The slides were placed on styrofoam floats installed in the filters of the water treatment facilities. The results of the studies showed that the water from the underground source contained iron bacteria – they were found in catalytic biofilm. It was stated that the rate of biofilm generation with the participation of iron bacteria in sand filters of the Velizhany water treatment facilities at the media level was in average twice as high compared to the level of surface of the water being treated. Mass growth of iron bacteria on sand media proceeded for 8–12 hours; in the water being treated – for 22–24 hours. It might be caused by biological oxidation of iron and manganese at the media level. The studies carried out confirm the possible use of iron bacteria of catalytic biofilm in biological removal of iron and manganese from underground water at the Velizhany water treatment facilities.

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UDC 543.3

Khovanova S. B., Repina M. E., Nepomilueva L. I., Pochobut I. L., Malyshev V. V.

The experience of Central analytical laboratory of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC


Process control of water quality in Tumen is carried out in the Central analytical laboratory of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC. The Central analytical laboratory is an integrated facility uniting several laboratories that could be conditionally divided into three groups: for chemical analysis of drinking and natural water; for chemical analysis of wastewater and effluents; for microbiological studies (bacteriological laboratories and enzyme-immunoassay test laboratory). The main task of the laboratories is monitoring the quality of water supplied to the customers, natural surface and underground water, as well as testing the quality of effluent of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities for meeting MPC of pollutants. The priority tasks and organizational experience of the Central analytical laboratory are presented, including the activities of the groups and facility-level laboratories. Quality control is executed at every stage of the treatment process. The facilities and types of analyses for chemical, microbiological parameters and viral pollution markers are presented. Much attention is paid to the technique of enzyme-immunoassay testing, its capabilities and advantages. In relation to viral and bacteriological water pollution the method of polymerase chain reaction is considered. The issue of equipping with advanced instruments and laboratory test facilities, continuous upgrade of material and technical base of the laboratory is touched upon. Special attention is paid to the improvement of professional skills of the lab personnel including participation in workshops and conferences. Participation of the lab specialists in the annual Russian interlaboratory tests and achieved results are described. Plans and the Central analytical laboratory development outlook for the coming years are presented.

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UDC 628.14:62-531.3.004.18                                     Светлой памяти Бориса Семеновича Лезнова


Nezamaev E. A., Bychkov D. A., Rodin N. V.

Improving the system of the water distribution network
operation control in Tumen


Owing to large-scale housing construction in 2004–2008 the water consumption in Tumen significantly increased.  The growing loading on the water facilities resulted in intermittent insufficient pressure level at the pumping stations in separate municipal districts. These irregularities actually «shattered»  the water supply system; and in case of continuing water consumption pattern they could have caused complete water deficiency and water supply collapse because of the lack of the capacity reserve already in 2009. To handle the problem the upgrade projects were urgently updated – the parameters of the pumping units and their control algorithms were revised. The key role in calculations played the studies of Boris Semenovich Leznov, a famous research worker in the field of variable speed drives for pumping units. The system of water intake control was qualitatively modified. Pressure gauges were installed at ten critical control points in the distribution network that transmitted on-line data to the Central Control Service. Upgrading pumping stations and using reliable information on the distribution network operation provided for uninterrupted water supply of the entire city. Operator’s control of the emergency situations in the water distribution network was an additional advantage of pressure monitoring. In 2011 and 2012 variable speed drives were put into pilot operation at the second-stage pumping stations of the Tumen public water supply. As a result the stable operation of the pumping equipment and energy saving were ensured; throttling was abandoned. At present the control algorithms for complete automation of the municipal water supply are being designed.

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UDC 628.14.001.57

Shishov S. Yu., Ivanov Vlad. Mikh., Bychkov D. A., Nezamaev E. A.

Hydraulic model for monitoring and control of the Tumen public water supply operation


Geographic information technologies allow facilitating significantly the task of operating the public water supply of an urban. In Tumen designing a hydraulic model of the water distribution network operation on the basis of «Zulu» program-design package has been carried out since 2006. The system is aiming at improving the quality, reliability and energy efficiency of the water supply and distribution operation. At the initial stage an integrated design scheme of the major water mains was developed. This hydraulic model provided for developing and implementing a number of important measures for the optimization of the water distribution network operation mode in Tumen. To improve the accuracy the model was further detalized by adding pipelines to every customer into the design scheme. At the same time pipeline certification started with recording results in the geographic information system. Calibration of the detailed hydraulic model was carried out on the basis of the information obtained from 530 pressure gauges installed at the residential service connections. The carried out calculations were noted for high accuracy (to 0.3 atm deviation). With the help of the detailed hydraulic model the following tasks are being accomplished in «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC: changing the operation modes of the pumping stations, planning water mains outage, determining technical possibility of connecting new objects. Basing on the calculations in 2011 a project of installing 24 pressure control valves in the water distribution network was implemented. The geographic information system is noted for the function of using map layers of tile-servers in Internet, as well as for possible data storage and failure analysis. The information obtained in the process of using the detailed hydraulic model is widely used by the distribution network operating service of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC for the team task description and determining gate valve closure pattern.

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UDC 628.1/.2.004.9

Vakarina L. N., Pashchenko S. A., Nezamaev E. A.

Information customer accounting and client request management system


To ensure efficient operative decision-making a company operating municipal water and wastewater facilities needs an information support system that supplies unbiased information on the current situation. Information uploading to the higher level of control and data exchanging between all the interrelated deaprtments of the company are executed on the basis of ASTRA automated information failure accounting system designed by the specialists of «Tumen Vodokanal» LLC. The given accounting system has become a management tool and provided for optimizing data exchange process between the main departments and reducing the time of response to the incoming emergency calls and customer claims. In 2009 a new department – Call Center – was established in Vodokanal. It became a connecting link between different company departments and customers (population and organizations). Establishing Call Center provided for the transparent cycle of repair requests processing – from receiving customer claim to fulfilling the repairs, and for the operative control of the service quality. ASTRA integrated automated information system allowed continuous monitoring of the key activities of the entire company and operative accounting of the water and sewerage networks condition; managing planning and repair processes and then on the basis of the acquired data analysis identifying most problem sections and planning the relevant preventive maintenance of the networks.

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