"Water Supply and Sanitary Technique" Magazine, CONTENTS №2 2008

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I. V. Gordin.
Water Code of the Russian Federation and Development of Water Protection Zones
Some regulations of the RF Water Code concerning the problems of construction at coastal territories of water protection zones are presented.
I. V. Gordin, T. V. Dyatlova, A. P. Metalnikov.
Search for Optimal Energy and Ecological Life-Support Systems
The problems of search for and selection of optimal energy and ecological life-protection system meeting the requirements of the nature protection legislation are considered.
T. V. Dyatlova, S. G. Pevnev, T. G. Fedorovskaya.
Dairy Plants Wastewater Treatment
The technological scheme of advanced treatment of dairy plants wastewater making it possible the optimization of capital investments and energy expenditures is presented.
I. A. Gerasimenko, Yu. A. Kiseleva, N. L. Musinova.
Biological Wastewater Treatment Stations of Modular Type
The advantages of modular principle of completing units of biological wastewater treatment facilities making it possible the shortening of the construction time, reduction of the length of site communications, and compactness of the stations are shown.
A. V. Dyatlov, S. G. Pevnev, A. V. Matveev.
Use of Strainers for Mechanical Treatment of Wastewater
The design of the strainer recommended to use for mechanical treatment of domestic wastewater is presented. In this case there's no longer any necessity of gravity clarification in primary sedimentation tanks.
S. G. Pevnev, E. V. Sokolova, I. N. Churbanova.
Biofilters with Structurized Media in Systems of Wastewater Biological Treatment
The data on the use of modern structurized media prepared from synthetic materials in biological filters for wastewater treatment are cited
G. Adkhikari, B. Kogan, N. Subedi.
Highly Effective Aerator-Mixers Aire-O2 TRITONR
It is told about the advantages of the use of surface aerator-mixer in the coarse of biological wastewater treatment.
P. I. Dolgopolov , E. G. Amosova, S. P. Zhuravlev.
Special Features of Reagent Softening of Ground Water and Reverse Osmosis Unit Conсentrate in Vortex Reactors
The possibility of reagent softening and deferrization of ground water and concentrate of reverse osmosis units in vortex reactors is presented.
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 2 40

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