“Water Supply and Sanitary Technique” Magazine, CONTENTS №9 (part 1) 2007


S. V. Khramenkov, E. A. Nikolskaya.
Pages of History of the Moscow Water Service: along the Million Bridge - from the Past into the Future
The history of development of the Moscow water-supply system marking in 2007 the 203rd anniversary of the creation of the capital's centralized water service is presented.
V. N. Porshnev.
Formation and Development of the Volga Water-Supply System of Moscow is a Guarantee of the Megapolis' Life-Support
The history of development of the Volga water-supply system of Moscow providing the city with water of potable quality is described.
A. V. Koverga, Yu. V. Strikhar.
Potable Water Quality: a Barrier Role of Water Treatment Stations
It's told about the activities of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal to strengthen the protective functions of treatment facilities concerning anthropogenic and bacteriological contaminations of the capital's water supply sources.
E. V. Shushkevich.
Specific Features of Water Supply and Water Distribution Regime under the Conditions of Water Consumption Drop
The water consumption drop has resulted in a series of technical problems in the water supply and distribution system. The complex of measures taken by the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal to ensure the stable operation of water supply facilities and distribution network is presented.
D. A. Danilovich, M. N. Kozlov, N. M. Shchegolkova, O. V. Moyzhes.
Joint Impact of the City's Treatment Facilities and the Moscow Canal on the Ecological State of the Moskva River
The analysis of the impact of the city's treatment facilities and the Moscow Canal on the ecology of the Moskva River, as the source of potable water supply of the capital, is presented.
V. N. Porshnev.
The Provision of Safety of Hydraulic Engineering Structures of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal and their Impact on the Ecological Situation
It is told about technical, organizational and nature defense measures taken by the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal to ensure stability and safety of hydraulic engineering structures responsible for water service of Moscow.
A.V. Bitiev.
Stability of Water Supply and Water Disposal Systems Operation of Moscow
It is told about the actions directed at the prevention and liquidation of technological infringements and failures in the work of water supply and water disposal systems if the power fails.
V. N. Porshnev, E. V. Masalov, L. V. Novikova.
Organization of Water Consumption Registration in Moscow
Organization of water consumption registration in Moscow is presented: the inventory of the registering instruments previously installed in the city housing stock and at the objects of social sphere has been carried out; the programs of installation of registering instruments for the whole house have been developed.
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue № 9, part 1 48

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